If you are a young newcomer to Canada or inner-city youth looking for help finding work, the YES Program can help you build skills and be successful in a job. We will help youth who attend the 8 classes get paid job internships. Our goal is to connect all youth who want to work with jobs they enjoy! Say “YES” to YES!
How the Program Works
The YES program is for youth 15-25 years old. We specifically aim to support youth who are facing barriers to employment.
The program includes 8-weeks of learning workshops plus mentorship, coaching and First Aid training. Referral to additional support services may be provided if needed.
To Apply
For details, or to get a referral form, please email [email protected] or call 431-275-0075.
Contact YES
Youth Employment Support Program
301 Vaughan Street, Winnipeg
Phone: 431-275-0075
Email: [email protected]