At the YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg, the safety, well-being, and potential of children and youth are at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where all children and young people feel protected, valued, and supported in reaching their full potential.
Safeguarding children and youth is a shared responsibility. Every staff member, volunteer, and community partner plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of young people in our care. We take proactive steps to prevent harm, respond to concerns, and uphold the highest standards of child protection.

As part of our commitment to child safety, we adhere to the YMCA National Child Safety and Protection Initiative, a coordinated effort by YMCAs across Canada to implement and maintain rigorous safety protocols. These measures include:

  • Comprehensive Policies & Procedures: Our Safeguarding Children & Youth Policy outlines clear guidelines for ensuring safe interactions, appropriate supervision, and strong safeguarding practices.
  • Mandatory Training & Education: All staff and volunteers receive ongoing training to recognize, prevent, and respond to situations involving potential harm to children and youth.
  • Supervision & Facility Safety: Our spaces are designed with child protection in mind, including open-door policies, secure access points, and continuous supervision.
  • Reporting & Accountability: We uphold a zero-tolerance approach to abuse and ensure that all concerns are taken seriously and reported following strict protocols.

We believe that every child and youth has the right to grow up in a safe, caring, and supportive environment—at the YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg, in their families, and within their communities.

To learn more about our child protection efforts and policies, please refer to our Safeguarding Children & Youth Policy.