Heart of the City Co-chairs, Ace Burpee and Kristie Pearson, outside the historic Downtown Y

Y Winnipeg Unveils Volunteer Cabinet Team for $15M Heart of the City Capital Campaign for Downtown Y

YWinnipeg is thrilled to announce the Campaign Cabinet Team who will spearhead the $15 Million Heart of the City Capital Campaign in support of the redevelopment of the Downtown YMCA-YWCA. 

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22 articles
Expert Advice & Tips
: A group of kids standing at the Y.

6 Tips to Keep Kids Active & Engaged This Summer

As Manitoba’s largest child care provider—and the host of many summer youth camps and programs, including welcoming over 2,500 Day Campers at all branches and 1,000 kids to Camp Stephens—the YMCA-YWCA
Jun 18, 2024
Y Stories
Kids & Youth
[image] Charlene and son, Hunter, in Y Winnipeg gym

Delivering Opportunity for Kids Who Need it Most

Charlene recounts life as a single mom, living on minimum wage with a young child, and being referred to the Y by a social service agency. With an active kid, Charlene recognizes the importance of eve
Jun 6, 2024
Y Stories
Mental Health
[Image] Michelle at the Downtown Y with a staff person

Mental Wellness Makes a World of Difference

Michelle has struggled with anxiety in the past and recently completed Y Mind; a mental wellness program for teens and youth. She says Y Mind has made a world of difference.
Apr 12, 2024
Photo of the Fekiri family of seven at the Downtown Y

Discover Stories of Impact

Discover what people are saying about the impact that Y Winnipeg has had on their health, their confidence, their families and their lives. Read their Y stories and see how the Y helps Winnipeggers Shine On.